Tenacious T and the African Adventure

The chronicles of my 6 month trip to Uganda, East Africa to work as a nurse in a rural sustainable community development project run by Africa Community Technical Service (ACTS)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Rafting the NILE!!

For our end of November 5 days off we decided a little adventure trip down the source of the Nile River would be a good idea. I don't know whose idea it was...but we should blame that person!!! It was one of the scariest things ever, although I'll admit...it was fun. Up to class 5 rapids and our guide seemed intent on dumping us whenever he could! Luckily I had my good friends Paul and Nate from home (who happened to be travelling in Africa at the same time) there with me! And I couldn't chicken out and go in the safety boat with Paul as my rapid buddy, I told him at least if we die we'll die together!! Here's some pics...

The fearless team....with our crazy leader! I can't even see out from under the dumb helmut.

The Team fearlessly approaching a rapid, check me out, last on the starboard side before our guide "Big J" right behind paul.

Ducking down and holding on in one of the class 5 rapids. I think in fact it was called the "G spot" cause you had to hit it at exactly the right place...

...Which we didn't. Now in this picture notice you can see me (pink hat) launching into the air behind Paul (yellow hat). At this point I think I was pretty much abandoning ship, notice how Paul and John in front are faithfully holding on to their paddles and I was like "forget that" someone else can find it later!!

My hero's, the safety kyakers!! There's nothing like finally popping to the surface and those guys are waiting there to drag you back to the boat, and always with a smile on their face!! They were amazing! notice me on the right side of the picture with a death grip on the front of the Kayak while another girl hangs on to the back!!

All of us celebrating the fact that we're still alive with the Nile River hiding in the background and what else but a Nile Special brew in our hands!


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