Tenacious T and the African Adventure

The chronicles of my 6 month trip to Uganda, East Africa to work as a nurse in a rural sustainable community development project run by Africa Community Technical Service (ACTS)

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Orientation in Comox

In an effort to quench my eternal procrastination I am writing another entry already! I am trying to delay the inevitable which is me updating my blog, after the entire trip is already over!!! So....

Orientation: the quick overview.

Before embarking I have a week of orientation in Comox on the Island. After sad goodbyes I came across with a van full of other participants on the ferry. Friday night was a delicious dinner for all of us, the new interns, some of the returned interns from last year, the team leaders. We settled into the hostel house which we have overtaken and booked full for the week!

Saturday: long but good with lots of input from last years interns whose places we are taking and shoes we are filling, hopefully!! Getting excited about the work ahead.

Sun/Mon/Tues: Church and time off, trip to the beach and poked a jellyfish!! Followed by two days of training by the Center for Intercultural Development (or something like that). Had some crazy flashbacks from Nursing school (small group activities, talking about our "feelings" and creating posterpaper presentations!!) But managed to come through hopefully as prepared for Ugandan life and culture as you can expect for a little white girl. I can now say God Keep You and Mr/Mrs in Ryunyankore...the lovely local dialect I will become fluent in (yeah right)!! Starting to get a feeling for what my role will look like in the Rubingo Aid Station (health clinic) but as they keep saying over and over to the scared, nervous interns "all will become clear once your on the ground". Sure...sure.

Muraare gye
(good night)


At 7:45 PM, Blogger Kirsten said...

No comments! Well that just won't do. Comments definitely get you motivated to write more! T, I love you lots, and I am so excited for this opportunity. I promise to pray for you, and I can't wait till you are my neighbour again (even if we didn't see each other tons!). We were all talking about you at work today:)


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