Tenacious T and the African Adventure

The chronicles of my 6 month trip to Uganda, East Africa to work as a nurse in a rural sustainable community development project run by Africa Community Technical Service (ACTS)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

We love Kayak!!

I thought I would start this entry with the words of our fellow intern Joel, the French Canadian, who was expressing his enthusiasm by commanding us all to yell "We love Kayak!!!" Ahh the new friends I am making. I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you a little bit more about each of them, in their own words! We all took the chance to create this list of comments about each of us, yes some of them are inside jokes, but if you ever get to meet any of them it would all make sense!!! So here's the breakdown...6 of us are CIDA interns with six month posting, 1 corporate intern with six month posting, 3 six month volunteers, and one lone 2 month volunteer (he's gonna want to stay longer!!!) So that is 11 of us.

some phrases to describe each intern...so far:

John "Wilson": Mongolia to herd horses...Hardy Boy...quick dry...mefloquine mondays...
Laura: gives you the straight goods...sustainability...lacking internal compass...nice bum
Ryan: creative when it comes to rules...Mr. unpredictable Fix It... fire-retardent pants...the corporate cow
Graeme "Little G": the bearded baby...the token yank...the glue...
Katie: quick to laugh...knows where stuff is...good at filling awkward silences (ie. "whoopsies")Tyler: born to be an engineer...passport photo winner...Mr. I Won't Do It (ie. Dukarol...blog...)Joel: quebecois...trekker (ie. trying to keep up with his Aunts)...Uganda and beyond (ie. Tibet)Melanie: the local...laundry room songster...van DJ...eternal optimist...
Tanessa "the chief": crazy energy ball...'making memories' - aka breaking the couch
Bryony: free with her fists (agression?!?)...cackle...85% goodness...part-time hilarious..
Emily: machine gun laugh...distracted/crazy driver...surprisingly short...


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